Financial disclosures by Scott Pruitt, newly appointed U.S. Environmental Protection Agency administrator and former Oklahoma attorney general, offer a contrast between the more robust federal disclosure requirements and those of the state.

Pruitt’s federal disclosure, filed as part of rules that require cabinet-level presidential appointees to detail their finances, shows his mortgage and specific stock ownership and investment accounts, including amount ranges.

The federal form also lists a value range, $100,001-$250,000, for Pruitt’s state retirement account. State forms don’t ask for retirement account information, and ethics rules specifically exclude them if someone else controls specifically how the money is invested.

In Oklahoma, Pruitt didn’t have to file any of the above information.

His most recent Oklahoma financial disclosure form, filed in May 2015, lists a law license and “personal investment account” that contains “stock, bonds, mutual funds.”

Contact reporter Mollie Bryant at (405) 990-0988 or

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